Many marvel at the coincidence of the name of the place of birth of Jesus, namely Nazareth ("small Naze") and the town Naze, five miles from Owerri in Central Igboland? In the works of two major Igbo scholars we see so much evidence of the place of Igbo culture and civilization within the matrix of human culture and civilization in general. These floatings carried away some of the original Igbo inhabitants who then struggled and succeeded in surviving in sometimes very hostile conditions and became the dark colored inhabitants of the Americas, Asia and Australia and New Zealand. A careful look and study of the world cartography shows that at the pristine stage of evolving creation the world was one single contiguous undivided mass of earthland with Africa at the center before the so-called continents of North and South America, the other islands (Australia, Arctic Region and Antarctica) floated away due to seismic upheavals. Present state of Igbo studies and research tend to lend credence to the postulation that Ndi Igbo were part of the original inhabitants of the earth before their migration to other parts of the world as we know it today. They probably constitute the single largest ethnic group in the world and geographically, Ndi Igbo regard Igboland as the center of the earth. Igbo Nation: History, Challenges of Rebirth and Development is a chronicle of the Igbo past, the challenges Ndi Igbo have faced across the centuries, how Igbos have survived discrimination, pogrom, genocide and how now they stand on the threshold of a new renaissance that will make their numbers and business, intellectual and scientific acumen manifest the world over.

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