I like shojo anime much more than anime full of fanservice. I’ve tried out numerous things like (in no particular order) Lucky Star, Shugo Chara, Myself Yourself, NHK, Da Capo II, Kanokon, True Tears, Nanatsuiro Drops and a few others beside.

I think thats all the full series I’ve managed to watch since last July….

This is simply a list of what full series or OVA fansubs I’ve watched. Tsukihime I got because I had the first volume in a big-multipack of anime and loved it, mostly volume 1’s in the set. There are also occasions when I rented anime from the library. Other stuff I bought when I saw it cheap, like Bleach, and, god forbid Naruto…(just tried the first part of the first season, didn’t get through the first disc… Bleach was better, have the first season of that. Some series I buy just cos I know I’ll like them, To Heart, Midori Days, I hadn’t seen them before, maybe one episode of Midori Days on a anime preview disc from Newtype or something. Anime like Clannad, Ouran High Host Club, Onegai Twins, Kanon, all anime I bought because of the fansubs I watched. And this is mainly thanks to being able to watch and test out anime using fansubs. I like to think I do my part for the anime market. In the past year, less actually, I’ve bought more anime than I ever have before. And I only watch anime I know I like, I don’t go downloading everything under the sun, that would be a complete waste of time. I read Neo’s big fansub article in the new issue, 61, and felt compelled to write something, cos I do download fansubs, yes its illegal, but I, unlike alot of people, buy the series when they’re out. Ahhh Nagi, Kannagi is one of the series I most want on DVD, but it has yet to be released.