Imported per Glock BBH - G-19 - October 1994 - 2nd Gen. Blue Label Clamshell, LCI HYW - G-27 - March 2006 - 3rd Gen.ĪMK - G-17 - July 1993 - 2nd Gen. red label, 2 17-rd mags, adjustable rear sights, extended slide release, extended mag release, non-ported barrel, top cutout on slide.

Left side of slide:22 Austria, 40SW, Right frame top of grip: Made in Austria, Barrel: 40SW, US suffix AFT - G-23 - December 1992 - 2nd Gen.

AFH - G-19 - September 1992 - per Glock AFM - G-21 - November 1992 AFN - G-21 - December 1992 - 2nd Gen. Austrian proofs, 1 original mag, no original box, upgrade performed before purchase EH - G-19 - March 1989 - 2nd Gen.ĪFB - G-23 - November 1992 - 2nd Gen. date code: ETD EF - G-17 - February 1989 EG - G-17 - January 1989 - 1st Gen. Generation 1 Glock Features The Generation 1 guns are an exclusive club consisting of only the model Glock 17 and a very few of the earliest model Glock 19 pistols. The Glock model numbers appeared sequentially although some models like the select fire 18 and the.380 models (25 and 28) are less common due to NFA and import restrictions. What is the serial number for a smith and Wesson model 19 serial. Glock 17, Glock 18, Glock 19, Glock 26, Glock 34, and, if you count the 9x17/.380 ACP in this running, the Glock 25 and Glock 28. On top of that, there have been changes to the line between full generations, for instance the glock 26 is available in a generation 2.5.

Glock categorizes their guns as Generation 1, Generation 2, Generation 3, Generation 4, and recently Generation 5. Glock has been around since 1963 and in 1981 Glock handguns as we know them were born. Without calling Glock is there any way to tell when my pistol was made? It's a Gen 4 G17 and the serial number starts with UUCXXX.

It enables you to check production date of a glock using the serial number from the barrel. Glock Serial (Barrel) Number Lookup will work with any Glock pistol: Enter three letters of the serial (barrel) number on your Glock firearm: Glock Serial (Barrel) Number Lookup basesd on information from The Gun Digest Book Of The Glock. Glock Model 19 Serial Numbers By aninoutlie1976 Follow | Public